Knowledgeable, well-trained employee benefit plan team
As regulators’ scrutiny of employee benefit plan audits continues to increase, so does the need for dedicated and specialized professionals. Our employee benefit plan specialists receive yearly in-depth training focused on professional standards and regulations including Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Department of Labor (DOL) initiatives to help our clients prepare for pending changes and other areas of concern.
More than 2,000 plan audits completed annually
Beyond deep technical specialization and knowledge, Global Turner brings significant experience to the audit process. With more than 2,000 plan audits done annually nationwide, our team’s experience includes single-employer and multi-employer plans as well as varying funding arrangements, including defined benefit and defined contribution pension plans (401(k), 403(b), money purchase, profit sharing and employee stock ownership plans) along with health and welfare plans.
Industry leadership and commitment to quality
Our firm has been a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (AICPA) Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center since its inception, and we have had an active member on its Executive Committee since 2006. As a member of the Quality Center, Global Turner has made a significant commitment to adhere to significant quality and continuing education standards.
We also have had an active member of the AICPA’s Employee Benefit Plan Expert Panel since 2000. Beyond numerous speaking engagements, we have actively participated in various AICPA task forces, including the 403(b) Task Force, Employee Benefit Plans Audit Guide Revision Task Force and Employee Benefit Plan Audit Guide Overhaul Task Force. Additionally, our firm has provided authors for the AICPA’s continuing professional education course: Employee Benefit Plans: Audit and Accounting Essentials.
National resources, local attention
As a leader in the benefit plan industry and the nation’s fifth largest accounting firm, we are committed to understanding our clients’ plans and businesses. Our national resources help companies stay current as the rules and regulations governing today’s plan marketplace continue to evolve. And with more than 70 offices across the country, we offer the attention of a local office.